Monday, December 27, 2010


I just finished reading this post over at The Nesting Place.  I love it.   

We have lived in our house for 5 years, and it still doesn't feel like a home.  I am one of those people that get to the store and over think and over analyze what I want to buy so much that I don't buy anything.  

I worry so much about color/size/what people will think/how it will look/if it will match that I just do nothing.  

I have a clock in my kitchen that I've had forever and I love, and it took me a year in this house before I ever let my husband hang it on the wall in the kitchen.  

I looked at this entertainment center from Ikea for 3 years before I finally bought it.  

The only reason there is anything on the shelves is because it has no other place.  This is not the look I want.  
(Excuse the blood on the TV, it's not from the kids fighting, hubby was playing a war game!)

I want to turn my house into a HOME for my family.

I want my house to be clean and organized where everything has a place.  I have a lot of stuff.  I mean A LOT.  And it doesn't have a place.  And it's a mess.  And the kids make it messier by pulling it all out.

I can't believe I am about to show you this picture.
It should be rated R for it's graphic MESS.
It is my desk and work area in my master bedroom.

It's terrible.
And I work from home.
How awful is that?

I'm reading the Nester's 31 Days to a Less Messy Nest.
She has some great tips in there.
I don't have 31 days since everything needs to be out for the new floors to be installed, but I will use her tips as I go along.

My Plan:
 Pull everything out.
Go through everything.
Throw stuff away.
Give stuff away.
Take my time.
Bring things back in piece by piece.
Make sure I LOVE it.
Make sure it has a PLACE.
Hang stuff on the walls.
Show off what I love.
Don't care what other people think.
Don't care if it's not perfect.
Make my house a HOME.
And always remember:
"It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful." ~ The Nester

I'll show before and after photos as I go along!

1 comment:

  1. You can SO do this! It's going to be great, and you are right, sometimes you have to make a decision and just go with it. This is decorating, not brain surgery, it should be fun and rewarding~ don't worry about rules, look for things you love and that will serve your family.

    So excited for you!
